Game Of Thrones: The Winds Of Winter

GOT fans beware. If you have been out of the country and somehow missed the final episode, this will contain spoilers!


Season six episode 10, brought us probably the best ever finale to a series yet. It confirmed a few fan theories, set up for an incredible final two season and brought us full circle for a few characters. So what happened with the Starks? Battle Of the Bastards was an extraordinary episode, it got the first ever 10 out of 10 rating on IMDB. But crucially it finally out the Starks back in Winterfell. Following on from that, we finally learnt the truth about Jon and his parentage. As Bran continue his journey back south of the wall, he went back to a vision of the Tower Of Joy, finally learning just who Jon’s parents are. It was confirmed that Jon is the son of Rhaegar Targareyn and Lyanna Stark. So fans who believed in R + L = J were found correct!

A huge revelation that will surely have lots of consequences. Jon of course doesn’t know about his true heritage, and was anointed the bastard ‘King In The North.’ Sansa seemed chuffed with the idea, that was until Little Finger gave her a contentious look. The relationship between now cousins, will be intriguing to watch in the coming seasons. The final Stark to seemingly be back on top is Arya. Although never officially graduating Faceless Man assassin skill, she seems to have the technique nailed down. She was able to tick Walder Frey off her list in devastatingly cold blood style. She even managed to serve up dish of Walder pie……..

Lannister’s & Tyrells

What a conclusion it was for both noble families. The prophecy facing Cersei came true, as all her children have now died. Once again some fault must lie with the Queen as she decided to wipe out King Tommen’s world. We heard whisperings that there was stacks of Wildfire underneath Kings Landing and boy were they true. Cersei made the decision to destroy both the high sparrow and Tyrell’s threatening her position. She lit the wildfire blowing up the Sept of Baelor. It was an epic conclusion filmed perfectly. It was a shame to see Margaery and Loras go. With the Queen of Thorns summing things up perfectly when stating that she had been left with no future. Visery’s was quick to offer Dany an as ally against the Lannister’s

Although Tommen was not there, his innocent soul could not handle the pain it would go through and he decided to take his own life. Cersei was soon crowned as the first Queen of Westeros, and it remains to be seen just what kind of rampage she might do in the next series. The only thing that kept her rational and left her with something to fight for was her children. It was evident in the look, that Jamie gave to his twin sister, that even he is worried by her! Much like England at football, Cersei could become the sick man of Westeros.


Another big season finale for Dany. Each season she has grown and grown, but this time we saw her finally cross the narrow sea. Now armed with Unsullied, Dothraki, Dragons and allies she is coming for her throne. It has been the culmination of 6 seasons but now she is finally ready to try and conquer the Seven Kingdoms. It will be fascinating to see how things transpire given the new found relationship between herself and Jon Snow.

Although she will want to be all conquering and claim King’s Landing. She has to worry about one thing. The White Walkers. As The Knight King comes, at some point those dragons might end up fighting the undead.


Bang!! There goes half the city……

Little Arya crosses another one off the list.

Best Quote – ‘Shame….. Shame’ – Cersei really got revenge on the Faith.

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