Saturday, 14 February 2015

John Carter

Bit of a boring one really it seemed pretty samey and didn't really have anything spectacular. The story, is a bit strange, it reminded me slightly of Cowboys and Aliens, can you really mix the old with the new? An 1860 American civil war hero is transported by a golden amulet to another planet, where he finds himself in a prison amongst Martians called Barsooms, a little farfetched?

Personally I was expecting a little bit more seeing as the movie was coming from Andrew Stanton who brought us Wall-E, Toy Story and Monsters Inc. John Carter did not have the same delights as the these and seemed to lack fun and a storyline you can get your teeth into.

In this story Carter soon finds out he has powers and is able to leap massive distances, yet he becomes captured by Tharks, aka the baddies which is where the main part of the story comes into play, he falls in love with the princess. Predictable!? The civil war happening on the planet between all these races just seems to get in the way, it all becomes a but 'Flash Gordon' with the plastic shining armour. It very much failed to impress me and just reminded me of a 70s sci-fi movie.

My Rating: 5/10

Directors: Asger Leth    Cast: Anthony Mackie, Ed Harris, Edward Burns, Elizabeth Banks, Genesis Rodriguez, Jamie Bell, Jamie Bell, Kyra Sedgwick, Sam Worthington